Lab 8

This weeks goal was to test our code that was written. 

To begin I had my usual issue with git rebase... Lines of code that I thought shouldn't appear was appearing. From the very start of this lab I took the liberty of removing duplicate code and commiting to my master in hopes that it doesn't appear anymore for future labs. Once my code was clean and up to date, I began to create test cases using jUnit. Due to not having tested in JUnit in a very long time I had to refresh get some refreshers. JUnit testing made me realize that maybe there was more functions that I could've refactored as I only had 2 functions not including my main to test. 

In regards to adding a coverage tool, luckily I didn't have to use any external tool. Intellij has a built in coverage tool that is able to generate its own coverage report. To run it one must simply run the code with coverage. 

In regards to my Continuous Integration, I decided to go with maven. This was my first time using any sort of automation tool. I chose maven as after doing a little bit of research, Maven seemed to be the best beginner tool for someone who's never used such tools. Github templates really helped with the integration of maven, the only issue that I had was that my actual project was missing a critical component for the CI to run properly. I was missing the "Pom.xml" file which luckily was also easy to add after the fact using intellij. 

This blog will be updated as I create test cases for a partner.


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