Release 0.3

For this release the goal was to have two pull request.

I had to make an internal contribution to telescope and an external contribution which I made to a Data Structure repo that I've found during hacktoberfest.
For telescope I decided to go and fix issue #1278 (Add docs on how to debug the backend). I chose this issue because I myself was not comfortable with VS code and had no knowledge on how to use it. I thought that creating a doc file would be somewhat easy but what I didn't realize was that keeping the same "Syntax" as other documents would be challenging. 

For my external pull request I actually wanted to find something new, I was looking to code something in java but found that there was lots of spam after going through multiple pages of open issues. After unsuccessfully finding any decent repo that I could contribute too, I decided to go back to release 0.2, I initially wanted to work on DiversityCorp as I felt a deeper connection with the work that they we're doing but unfortunately the content being created didn't require much coding and was more focused on documents. So instead I went ahead and created a issue #865 (Adding Square Root Equation) for Data Structures and Algorithms as I had done this before it wasn't challenging but the main difference for me was that the requirements for pull requests since my previous once had changed which I found somewhat strange. In addition to that I noticed that as hacktoberfest was done, the responsiveness from the owner/moderators was very minimal.
My PR can be found here : Added code to fix issue #865

Overall this assignment was fine, unfortunately I had to prioritize a another course (BTP500) which delayed my start for this assignment and also had some issues with my notifications/not receiving emails from github while travelling. I could've been a little more responsible in checking in my notifications more often but accidents happen and this was a learning experience for the future. 


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