Release 0.4.4

This is the final iteration for DPS909. 

For part 4 of this iteration, as you may have noticed from my previous contributions. I like to participate with repo's related to math. 

This reposition that I found triangle-calculator is a tool that helps calculate certain values based on user input about a triangle. 

I think I caught the owner off-guard as he wasn't expecting for anyone to help with his issue. He was looking to get his tool tested. His code wasn't lacked functions/was not refactored so I couldn't really test his functions BUT I did manage to find bugs in his code. As he had asked me to create issues for him to fix those issues. I fixed minor issues for him and offered to help him with the bigger issues(if he was okay with me doing so). 

His code really showed me the importance of commenting/refactoring code as while I was going through his code understanding the logic was slightly tedious. 

I tried to use googles testing tool but gave up after a short while as I wasn't familiar with it at all. 

My PR can be found here :


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