Intro Blog

-           Why are you taking this course?

I'm taking this course as I want to have some experience working with people that I don't know.

With COVID-19 I know that working with people that you've never seen face to face is becoming more and more of a reality. I'm hoping that this course teaches me skills that I can later translate in my career.

-           What is it about Open Source that attracted you?

The ability to openly work on projects and know that it is a whole community of people that just want to improve things make Open Source interesting. 

-           Where are you? 

I was born in montreal and have a french background but live in Milton, Ontario ( Halton Region ). I moved closer to school when the campus transferred to Newnham but luckily moved back home right before COVID started.  


-          What are you hoping to accomplish this term? 

I'm looking to challenge myself & use this course to refresh myself with languages that I'm not too comfortable with (C/C++) or learn some sort of language to build websites.

-          What kinds of projects do you want to work on?

Although I don't have any disabilities, I would like to work with features related to accessibility as I believe it is an aspect that is widely overlooked by people that don't struggle with anything. 

-           What was the the GitHub trending repo you researched above? 

 I've chosen this repo as oddly enough it was a suggested to me in my UI designing class (BTH745), I have never heard of it before and to see it come back in such a short amount of time caught my attention. 



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