10 Easy Steps and Animations

This week I did things a little bit differently. 

Although I had already done my first pull request I had found a repo that revolved around teaching people how to properly contribute to projects. 

10 Easy Steps is a repo dedicated to beginners, it caught my interest because it provided lots of different sources of information for anyone. Unfortunately I believe such a pull request may not be sufficient to fulfill requirements for my Release 0.2 project, so to compensate I found another repo. 

The second repo that I pulled was to create animations, I picked this repo because I'm trying to be versatile in all the projects that I do. Up to date I've work with Java, python, JavaScript and now wanted to add CSS to the list. 

To complete that task I've added an animation related to hacktoberfest in the following repo: hacktoberfest-animation

Compared to last week, finding repo's wasn't as tough... I spread my time around the day to view newly created issues. This made things a lot easier as issues weren't assigned to others already. 

As mentioned my first pull request was simple, I had to modify a ReadME file and add information in regards to tech conferences happening around the world. 

The second pull request needed me to create an animation and add its content to the repo. 

10 easy step issue : https://github.com/msandfor/10-Easy-Steps/issues/141

Hacktoberfest-animation issue : https://github.com/NiallEccles/Hacktoberfest-animations/issues/9

10 easy step fix : https://github.com/msandfor/10-Easy-Steps/pull/277

Hacktoberfest-animation fix : https://github.com/NiallEccles/Hacktoberfest-animations/pull/331


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