Creating features and adding them

This week my goal was to separately implement 2 features for my HTML dead link retriever. 
I had 4 options to pick from :
 - Adding flags that would recognize "all, bad, good" as an argument and display only good, bad or ALL links.
 - Having a JSON file display data in a certain manner
 - Have an exit code that would let you know if a certain error code was found
 - Recognize the "CLICOLOR" variable that would trigger if colours would be displayed or not.

I settled with adding an exit code that would reflect if there was a bad link or not and adding flags that would display specific links. 

I chose to select those two options because I wanted for my program to represent in different ways links that were good or bad. I had already implemented colours to my code and didn't want to change the syntax on how my code was being displayed. 

This week using git was interesting compared to last week since I had used git desktop to commit my changes. I pushed myself to use the command line platform to familiarize myself with git, everything was going fine until I completed my second merge but as expected I couldn't do a "fast forward merge". I had a bit of difficulty with the command line so I finished the merge using the browser. Everything went smoothly from that point on, I had to slightly modify my code once the merge was completely done as my "exit code" portion was no longer fully implemented to the code. 

For next time if I didn't have to wait to merge the code before creating the next feature I would definitely push it to the master branch first and then create the next implementation from that point. 

This week was definitely interesting as it showed how quickly a program can come to life. 

You can find both my issues here : 

And the link to my HTML tool : 

Thank you for reading !


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