Release 2.3

For this weeks pull request I decided to create my own issue in a project. 
I found a data structure & algorithm repo that I could give some input into and also move away from html/javascript forms of coding. I chose this repo because data structures are very important to know as a programmer and some of the examples found in this repo could potentially be interview questions. I had created 2 issues for this repo, I wanted to add code so that one could see how to create a power function and a factorial function. The only difference was that I wanted to show both iteratively and recursively how to code those questions. Initially I had requested that both issues would be assigned to me (which was not an issue to me) but hours later after creating my issues I had some interest from other coders who wanted to add some of their code. Being in the spirit of hackoberfest I let one of the issues go and resolved 1 of the issues. This was interesting to me as I was not expecting for others to comment on my issue. 

Both issues created can be found here : 

As mentioned before I only ended up fixing one issue which was to create code for a power function iteratively and recursively .

The Pull request can be found here : Adding power function

Going outside of the box was neat as I wasn't too sure if I my "issues" we're going to get accepted by the owner of the repo but being that my issues created we're in-line with the project they quickly got accepted. 


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