Release 2.4

For my final iteration of my release 0.2 deliverable I wanted to participate in something meaningful, I found a repo that supported the BLM movement. Being a student that is not only black but also both french and muslim. With the current state of cultural issues happening around the world, it made me want to contribute to this repo. 

This contribution was supposed to be somewhat easy, it was more about the content that was being pushed out than the coding aspect of it. Ironically, it was the total opposite and I believe it also gave me the bigger picture of Open source. I was working with this cmd line tool called "eleventy" which emulates a server locally, it was quite troublesome and kept giving me errors when simply trying to install it(and almost made me want to unassign myself from this issue). 

The reason why I say that it gave me a bigger perspective of Open Source is because this issue pushed me to collaborate and communicate with the author, from the very beginning they were quick to offer help and was very responsive. 

The issue can be found here :

And my PR can be found here :

Changes have been requested and I have fixed the issue but I decided to go a little bit further more and I am currently working with the author to get this resolved. 

A bit of work is still required to be done but I believe me and the author are inline right now to get this 100% resolved. 

Overall this assignment showed me many different perspective of Open source, from creating my own issues, finding issues and collaborating with others. 


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