Lab 9


This week the goal for our lab was to make our tool downloadable for your average day users. 

I found myself to be lucky as the my choice for continuous integration was inline with this currents week lab. My project in java and I had opted to use maven to implement my CI. In this weeks lab, I took the opportunity to properly fix the architecture of my project. I removed obsolete folders & moved on to lab 9.  

Although I started using maven in the previous lab, I still had some issues hosting my tool.

As maven files were imported after the initial creation of my project, I found myself to be missing critical components for my deployment. My pom.xml file was not tailored properly and my settings.xml was non-existent. This part was a bit tedious as I knew if I didn't write in the proper credentials, my deployment would fail. 

Once everything was ready to go, my initial deployment failed. After a bit of research I realized that I had never push my public keys to any hosting platform. ( Unfortunately I forgot to capture a screenshot of my error message ) Once published I was then able to host my tool to mavens directory.

My tool can be found here :


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